DSA Programme
Nomination Fee per nominee: HK$2,000 (HKMA Member)
HK$2,800 (Non-member)
Participation Fee per nominee : HK$7,200 (HKMA Member)
HK$8,000 (Non-member)
  1. Registration fee (non-refundable) for the Distinguished Salesperson Award (DSA) or the Outstanding Young Salesperson Award (OYSA) is HK$2,000 (HKMA member) or HK$2,800 (non-HKMA member) for each nominee.
  2. Participation fee for the DSA and the OYSA is HK$7,200 (HKMA member) or HK$8,000 (non-HKMA member) for each nominee. Under very special circumstances and with prior notice in writing sent to the HKMA four weeks before the Interview Session to be held on Saturday, 6 May 2023, the Organizing Committee may consider accepting the withdrawal of a company’s nomination and refunding the participation fee.
Fee (New Joiners & SMEs):
Nomination Fee per nominee: HK$1,000 (HKMA Member) [50% off] (Original at HK$2,000)
HK$1,400 (Non-member) [50% off] (Original at HK$2,800)
Participation Fee per nominee : HK$4,680 (HKMA Member) [35% off] (Original at HK$7,200)
HK$5,200 (Non-member) [35% off] (Original at HK$8,000)
  • Nominee is required to settle the Nomination Fee before the Paper Submission Deadline and to settle the Participation Fee if he/she achieves a passing score.
  • Participation Fee will be waived if nominee fails to achieve a passing score in the Award.

*Passing score: 65 marks (Paper & Interview)

Rules and Conditions (Applies to New Joiners):

  • Subsidiaries of the existing/past participating companies (Parent company) would not be considered.
  • Companies have rebranded / renamed are not categorized as “New Joiners”.
  • Applications would only be considered with the provision of Business Registration (BR) to the Secretariat.
  • The product / service presented at the Interview Session must not be owned by existing/past participating companies (Parent Company).
  • New participating companies must submit product/service information (1-page) to the Secretariat prior to the Interview Session.
  • New participating companies must sign the Declaration Form to proclaim their company registry.
  • HKMA reserves the right to make the final and binding decisions on the eligibility of applicants.

Rules and Conditions (Applies to SMEs):

  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) refer to organizations which employ not more than 100 persons in Hong Kong and are not subsidiaries of any group of companies or local offices of multinational companies.
  • Companies must submit its Business Registration (BR) and Declaration Form to the Secretariat for approval.
  • HKMA reserves the right to make the final and binding decisions on the eligibility of applicants.
Fee (Re-Joiners):
Nomination Fee per nominee: HK$0 (HKMA Member) [Waived]
HK$0 (Non-member) [Waived]
Participation Fee per nominee : HK$7,200 (HKMA Member)
HK$8,000 (Non-member)

Rules and Conditions:

  • Companies with no participation in the past two years (53rd and 54th DSA) are categorized as “Re-Joiners”.
  • Companies rejoin the DSA programme must use the Same Company Name as the previous years to participate in DSA.