Vice CharimanThe Communications Association of Hong Kong
ChairpersonFederation of Hong Kong Brands
ChairmanHong Kong Association of Freight Forwarding and Logistics
ChairmanHong Kong Bar & Club Association
Chairman (Industrial and Commercial Affairs Committee)The Hong Kong Chinese Importers' & Exporters' Association
Vice PresidentHong Kong Computer Society
Secretary GeneralHong Kong E-Vehicle Business General Association Limited
PresidentThe Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business
Vice-ChairmanThe Hong Kong General Chamber of Young Entrepreneurs
Chief Operating OfficerHong Kong Institute of Architects
ChairmanHong Kong O2O E-Commerce Federation
ChairpersonHong Kong People Hong Kong Brands
PresidentThe Hong Kong Public Relations Professionals' Association Limited
ChairmanHong Kong Retail Technology Industry Association
PresidentHong Kong Small and Medium Enterprises Association
ChairmanHong Kong Social Entrepreneurship Forum
Vice ChairmanHong Kong United Youth Association
PresidentInnovative Entrepreneur Association Company Limited
Senior Vice President - Global, Founding President & Chief Executive - Greater ChinaThe Institute of Certified Management Accountants (Hong Kong Branch)
Founding PresidentInternational Beauty & Health General Union
2022 National PresidentJunior Chamber International Hong Kong
Committee MemberThe Motor Trades Association of Hong Kong
ChairmanThe Outstanding Young Persons' Association
District 89 Director (2021-22)Toastmaster International District 89
ChairmanThe Y. Elites Association
Executive Committee MemberThe Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong
Vice ChairmanThe Federation of Hong Kong Watch Trades & Industries Limited
Executive DirectorHong Kong Hotels Association
Founder and Executive ChairmanChief Happiness Officer Association
Vice PresidentHong Kong Footwear Association