Organizing Committee
Date & Venue
Past Conferences
2015 HKMA Annual Conference

"Enhancing Hong Kong’s Competitiveness Through Innovation"

According to IMD World Competitiveness Ranking 2015, Hong Kong ranks the world’s second most competitive economy. This achievement is based on Hong Kong’s ability to compete in the world economy. Hong Kong has a cluster of economic sectors such as trading, financial and business services, manufacturing, innovation and technology, providing Hong Kong an outstanding source of economic strength.

At the same time, Hong Kong is facing challenges from the uncertainties in the global economy, and also from local constraints such as ageing population, and widening income gap, which may hinder Hong Kong’s potential in maintaining its competitiveness. Every challenge provides an opportunity. The key is to recognise each of them and address them accordingly in order for Hong Kong to continuously build up its competitive advantages.

As we enter the age of innovation, innovation is definitely one of the crucial contributors in enhancing Hong Kong’s competitiveness.

The Hong Kong Management Association 2015 Annual Conference brings together an illustrious line-up of speakers to provide a forum for senior executives to explore the issue of advancing Hong Kong’s competitiveness. Through this engagement, we hope participants will be inspired with new ideas and directions to acquire growth and sustainability of their organisations.

HKMA 2015 Annual Conference
HKMA 2015 Annual Conference
Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Block your diary for this important event!
